Custom Microphone SFX

Learn how to customize your microphone SFX!

Custom Microphone Clicks

When a user presses down their push-to-talk key, a "key-down" sound effect is played.

When a user releases their push-to-talk key, a "key-up" sound effect is played.

Sonoran Radio allows these sound effects to be customized!

Community SFX customization requires the Plus version or higher.

Per-User SFX customization requires the Pro version.

For more information, view our pricing FAQ.

Community-Wide SFX

Customize the default key-up and key-down SFX for the entire community in the Server Settings tab.

This requires the Admin permission.

Once configured, all users in your community will broadcast these SFX options, unless they have a per-user SFX specified.

Per-User SFX

Individual users can customize their key-up and key-down SFX in their user settings dialog in their radio or dispatch portal.

Once configured, the user will override any default or community-wide SFX.

Note: SFX uploads can not be processed using the in-game radio.

Last updated