Learn more about custom integrations with the in-game resource!
When a user presses or releases their PTT key, the following event can be used:
-- Event sent from Sonoran Radio
TriggerEvent('SonoranRadio::API:ToggleTalking', toggle, inVeh)
-- Event listener in a custom script
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:ToggleTalking', function(toggle, inVeh)
print(toggle) -- Boolean (Are the talking?)
print(inVeh) -- Boolean (Are they in a vehicle)
Radio Enabled
You can check if the radio is active (turned on) like so:
-- In your custom script
-- true = active
-- false = inactive
local isActive = exports['sonoranradio']:isRadioActive()
Emergency (911) Calls
You can start, end, and toggle an emergency call with a client resource export:
-- In your custom script
-- true = Start
-- false = End
-- 'toggle' = Toggle
exports['sonoranradio']:setEmergencyCall('toggle', 'My Custom Name')
The following client events reflect the emergency call status:
-- Event sent from Sonoran Radio
TriggerEvent('SonoranRadio::API:EmergencyCall', enabled)
-- Event listener in a custom script
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:EmergencyCall', function(enabled)
print(enabled) -- Boolean (is the call starting (true) or ending (false))
-- Event sent from Sonoran Radio
TriggerEvent('SonoranRadio::API:EmergencyCallDispatcher', dispatcherNames)
-- Event listener in a custom script
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:EmergencyCallDispatcher', function(dispatcherNames)
print(dispatcherNames) -- Table with strings for the dispatcher's names
-- NOTE: does not receive `{}` if emergency call is ended
-- (above event will receive that)
Signal Quality
You can get the current signal quality with an export
-- In your custom script
exports['sonoranradio']:getSignalQuality() -- number from 0.0 to 1.0
Panic Button
You can listen to or active the panic button with an API event
-- Activate the panic button
-- Listen to the panic button
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:PanicButton', function(status)
print(status) -- Boolean (whether the panic button is active or not)
-- your code here
Set Display Name
Programatically update a user's radio display name
-- Set your current display name in the radio
exports['sonoranradio']:handleNameChange('my new name')
Tower Destruction
Get notified when a radio tower is destroyed or repaired
-- Event sent from Sonoran Radio (server-side)
TriggerEvent('SonoranRadio::API:TowerDishDestroyed', towerId, tower.DishStatus)
-- Event listener in a custom script
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:TowerDishDestroyed', function(playerSource, towerId, dishStatus)
print(playerSource) -- The player ID that destroyed the dish
print(towerId) -- Numerical ID of the tower
print(dishStatus) -- Array of statuses {'alive', 'alive', 'dead', 'alive'}
-- Event sent from Sonoran Radio (server-side)
TriggerEvent('SonoranRadio::API:TowerRepaired', towerId, tower.DishStatus)
-- Event listener in a custom script
AddEventHandler('SonoranRadio::API:TowerRepaired', function(playerSource, towerId, dishStatus)
print(playerSource) -- The player ID that repaired the tower
print(towerId) -- Numerical ID of the tower
print(dishStatus) -- Array of statuses {'alive', 'alive', 'alive', 'alive'}
-- (NOTE: will always contain all 'alive')