Custom SFX
Learn how to customize your microphone SFX!
Custom Microphone Clicks
When a user presses down their push-to-talk key, a "key-down" sound effect is played.
When a user releases their push-to-talk key, a "key-up" sound effect is played.
Sonoran Radio allows these sound effects to be customized!
Community SFX customization requires the Plus version or higher.
Per-User SFX customization requires the Pro version.
For more information, view our pricing FAQ.
Community-Wide SFX
Customize the default key-up, key-down, and talkover error SFX for the entire community in the Customization
> SFX Customization
This requires the Admin
Once configured, all users in your community will broadcast these SFX options, unless they have a per-user SFX specified.
Per-User SFX
Individual users can customize their key-up and key-down SFX in their user settings dialog in their radio or dispatch portal.
Once configured, the user will override any default or community-wide SFX.
Note: SFX uploads can not be processed using the in-game radio.
Last updated