
View the changelog for the Sonoran Radio application and in-game resource.

2.15.0 - 02/12/2025

ACE Permission Sync (Auto-Approve + Community Perms)

  • Added an ACE permission sync option to automatically approve users and grant community permissions based on in-game ACE permissions.

In-Game Channel Changer - Group Handling

  • Added a right-click option on the top channel change knob in-game to toggle between changing channels and channel groups.

Tone Board: Live TTS AI

  • Added the ability to generate temporary AI powered text-to-speech tones directly from the tone board.

Scanned Channel Audio Indicator

  • Added new UI elements on the in-game radio to indicate a transmission from a scanned channel, along with the user's name and channel.

#27054 Mute Scanned on Primary Transmission

  • Added the setting option (enabled by default) to mute scanned channels when another user is talking on your primary channel.

#27143 Group Change Channel Persistence

  • Using hotkeys to change your group from one to another now saves and restores your last used channel when going back to a previous group.

Volume Hotkey SFX

  • Added customizable hotkey sound effects for the volume hotkeys.

Tunnels: Menu Expansion

  • Added a toggle visibility button in the tunnel editor menu.

  • Added the ability to select and remove a configured tunnel via menu.

Dispatch UI: Show Channel IDs

  • Dispatch UI now has a toggle button to view channel IDs for in-game permissions.

Channel & Group Hotkey: In-Game Notify on No Options

  • Added small in-game notices on channel and group change hotkeys if there is no other group or channel to page to, in order to reduce confusion.

2.14.0 - 01/30/2025

Panic: Radio & Dispatch Display

  • Expanded radio panic functionality to reflect in the in-game and dispatch UI with a customizable sound.

Volume Hotkeys

  • Added in-game and in-app hotkeys to quickly adjust the radio volume by a configurable amount.

Channel Hotkeys

  • Added in-game and in-app hotkeys to quickly page through channels in your group.

Group Hotkeys

  • Added in-game and in-app hotkeys to quickly page through channel groups.

Sirens On Volume Increase

  • Added automatic, configurable volume adjustment when sirens are toggled on in-game.

In-Game Channel Transmit Command

  • Added a new in-game command to toggle transmitting on a specific channel.

In-Game Scan List Command

  • Added a new in-game command to toggle a scan list.

In-Game Scan Channel Command

  • Added a new in-game command to toggle a channel scan.

In-Game Stream Deck Integration

  • Documented Stream Deck integration with the new FiveM commands.

Frame Selection Persist

  • In-game frame selection now persists/saves for the next time you join.

Emergency Call Export: Answered + Ended

  • Added additional integration values for in-game emergency calls to determine when the call is answered by a dispatcher or ended by a dispatcher.

Emergency Call Resource Export: Name Parameter

  • Added an additional parameter to customize the caller's name for in-game emergency calls.

Scan List: Drag-and-Drop Reorder

  • Scan lists can now be reordered via drag-and-drop

Modern UI: Group Name Display

  • The modern in-game radio style display now also lists the channel group.

2.13.2 - 01/22/2025

AI Tone TTS: Removed Character Limit

  • Removed the 50 character limit for community integrated AI text-to-speech tones.

Transmission Logs: Vocoder Cutoff

  • Fixed an issue causing transmission logs to be cutoff when using the vocoder effect due to other optimizations.

Transmission Logs: Download

  • Fixed an issue causing downloaded transmission logs to be corrupt and not playable.

2.13.0 - 01/21/2025

In-Game Physical Scanners

  • Added in-game physical scanner items for civilians to hear radio transmissions

Transmission Logs

  • Added transmission logs in the dispatch panel with optional AI transcriptions

#26361 Transmit to In-Game Speakers

  • Added the ability to locally record microphone audio to play over the tone board to radios and in-game speakers

AI: Tone Text to Speech

  • Added the ability to generate AI text to speech tones

#26385 Stacked Tones

  • Added the ability to "stack" and play multiple tones in a row

#26534 In-Game/Mobile Radio Scan Lists

  • Added configurable scan lists to quickly swap between multiple scanned channel groups

#26414 Persist scanned channels

  • Scanned channels now save locally to be restored when turning the radio back on

Vocoder Bitrates

  • Added adjustable bitrates to the vocoder voice effect

Free Vocoder

  • Made the new vocoder available to the free version of Sonoran Radio

In-Game Text Radio SONORAN Branding

  • Added small branding to the text based display in-game when large enough (vehicle display)

Vocoder PTT Timing

  • Overhauled and improved vocoder PTT handling to ensure local UIs update much faster without a long delay before and after the transmissions

2.12.0 (Full Release) - 12/31/2024

Radio Chatter: Vehicle Detection

  • Added vehicle detection to lower and muffle nearby radio chatter if the user enters a vehicle. Chatter volume resumes if the window is down/broken or the door opens.

Emergency Call: Nearby Chatter

  • When a user is making an emergency call on the phone, nearby users can now faintly hear the dispatcher talking on the other side of the phone.

Voice Effect: Clipping

  • Added a new "clipping" voice effect to cut audio in and out when the radio signal is poor. This effect is designed to pair particularly well with the vocoder.

Transfer Community

  • Added an option in the administration panel to transfer community ownership to another user.

Emergency Call: SFX

  • Added a community customizable incoming emergency call sound effect for dispatchers.

2.11.0 (Beta) - 12/19/2024

Text Style Display

  • Added a new screen display style with a "text-based" UI for older radio styles

Settings UI: Tabs

  • Overhauled the settings modal with tabs for each section

Hide Radio ESC User Config

  • Added three radio display options for ESC behavior (stay on screen, hide, show only while transmitting)

Expired Community Removal

  • Added automatic community deletion, if on the free version, after 30 days with a 21 day notice

2.10.0 (Beta) - 12/03/2024

#25437 Radio In-Game Display

  • The in-game radio will now persist on the user's screen, until they use /radio hide. Per-user customization will be released in a coming update.

#25917 - EUP Chatter

  • Added support for drawable items (in addition to the existing prop support) for EUP chatter exclusion.

Permission Reactivity

  • When connected to the radio, user permissions will now update in real time.

Customize 911 Command

  • Added a new config emergencyCallCommand property to customize the /radio 911 to other numbers or words based on locality.

Configure Default Keybinds

  • Added new configuration values to customize the default radio keybinds for new in-game users.

In-Game Unlink via Pending Screen

  • Added an account un-link for the in-game pending community approval screen.

Community Cards - Leave Community

  • Added a leave community button in the portal.

In-Game Audio Subprocess Info

  • Added a short URL guide in the in-game volume slider to help users who may be having a hard time hearing people.

Homepage - Emergency Call Promo

  • Added a promotional tab on the front page for the in-game emergency call feature.

2.9.0 (Beta) - 11/07/2024

In-Game Emergency Calls

  • Added a way for players in-game to place an emergency (911) call to dispatchers

Developer Export - Radio Signal

  • Added an export to get a user's radio signal quality

Developer Export - Panic

  • Added an export to listen for a radio panic press

#24896 Radio Item - Customize ID and Name

  • Added customization options for the in-game radio item's ID and name

Auto-Join User on URL Load

  • Users automatically join the community if they load a community's specific URL

Disable PTT SFX For Myself and/or Others

  • Added a settings option to disable hearing mic-clicks for yourself and/or other users

Mute Scanned When Transmitting

  • Added a settings option to mute scanned channels while transmitting

Debug Mode Toggle Command

  • Added a toggle command for debug mode

Sonoran Account Avatar

  • Added the user's Sonoran account avatar in the panel

Core Security Update

  • Improved credential storage security

Browser Hotkey Notice - Not Global

  • Added a notice in the settings page, if using the web version, that hotkeys are not "global" and the page must be in focus

2.8.0 (Beta) - 10/10/2024

CAD Integration

  • Added sonrad integration to display Sonoran CAD call information on the in-game radio, along with panic functionality

Top-Down HUD Improvements

  • Improved the top-down radio HUD to display the channel name, frequencies, and color changes when a user is transmitting

Talkover Override

  • Added a new permission granting users the ability to double-press their PTT button to override the talkover protection and silence the other transmitter

CMS Sync - Talkover Override Permission

  • Added the ability to manage talkover override permission via Sonoran CMS

Talkover Override Success Tone

  • Added a new, community-customizable talkover override success sound effect

Homepage Revamp

  • Completely revamped the homepage for feature highlights

UI Cleanup/Component Optimization

  • General internal cleanup and optimizations, making way for new future UI possibilities

Community Kick - Disconnect from Radio

  • When a player is kicked from the community (via Radio members tab or CMS) they will now be automatically disconnected from the radio, preventing them from transmitting any further

Home Button - Auto-Reconnect

  • Pressing the home button on the in-game radio (to hard refresh) will now automatically re-connect the user

Optimized Signal Quality Reports

  • Optimized in-game tower signal reporting to spam fewer updates across the websockets, only reporting when there is a significant enough change

2.7.2 (Beta) - 09/27/2024

Voice Degradation

  • Fixed an issue causing some users to experience gradual voice degradation that was only fixed after refreshing/power toggling the radio

Digital Voice Effect

  • Smoothed and reduced the initial digital voice filter effect

2.7.0 (Beta) - 09/25/2024

Voice Effect Customization

  • Added the ability to create multiple custom voice effect filters and apply them per-channel.

Tone Board - Play to In-Game Speakers

  • Added the ability configure in-game speakers and play radio tones to them.

Tunnel Signal Degrade

  • Added the ability to configure in-game tunnels and other 3D areas that reduce radio signal quality.

AI Channel Text-To-Speech

  • Added automatic AI generated channel name TTS that will play when connecting and switching channels.

Context Menu Name Change

  • Added the ability to right-click on a connected user to quickly modify their display name.

Private Channel Permissions

  • Added the ability to toggle channel visibility to private, requiring a user permission to connect.

CMS x Radio - Private Channel Permissions

  • Added the ability to automatically manage private radio channel permissions via Sonoran CMS.

CMS x Radio - Name Sync

  • Added the ability to automatically manage radio display names via Sonoran CMS.

Nearby Radio Chatter - Earpiece

  • Added the ability to configure in-game earpiece EUP that will prevent people nearby from hearing your radio.

Game Resource Optimization

  • Added multiple new in-game optimizations to improve resource performance.

Connected Users List - Save Position

  • Added size and position persistence to the in-game connected users list.

Proxy URL - Retry

  • Added retry logic and UI errors in the event that the in-game resource can not get the proxy URL.

2.6.2 (Beta) - 09/13/2024 (In-Game Only)

In-Game Connected Users

  • Fixed an issue with the connected users list causing some names to not change to green while the user was talking

2.6.1 (Beta) - 09/11/2024 (In-Game Only)

In-Game Connected Users

  • When talking, user names will display as green

  • Added proper CSS ellipsis to display names

  • Added tooltip to user display names

  • Alphabetically sorted display names

2.6.0 (Beta) - 09/11/2024

Hear Chatter In-Game

  • Civilians can now hear live radio chatter when there is a nearby radio. This requires the pro version.

Top-Down HUD

  • Added the top-down radio HUD UI in-game


  • Added four radio frame options in-game to choose from, customizable by the community

In-Game Connected List

  • Added an in-game connected users list

Cache Busting

  • Added improved cache busting to ensure in-game radio updates are recieved faster by users

Mic Clicks - For Local Only

  • Per-user custom mic clicks are now only heard by that user, instead of everyone on the radio

In-Game Talk Sync

  • Talk in-game at the same time you talk in the radio

2.5.0 (Beta) - 08/16/2024

Sonoran CMS Integration

  • Added the ability to manage your radio user's joining, permissions, and kicking via Sonoran CMS ranks and Discord roles.

Input/Output Device Selection

  • Added the ability to customize and test the input and output sources via the settings menu.

Tone Board

  • Added a customizable toneboard allowing dispatchers to play or repeat tones on specific channels and groups.

Server Customization UI

  • Consolidated the server customization menu into organized tabs and improved the in-game install with a step-by-step tutorial.

Animation Download

  • Added a tutorial step in the server customization menu to install the custom radio animations.

2.4.0 (Alpha) - 08/05/2024

Channel Groups & Organization

  • Added the ability to create channel groups and easily organize via drag-and-drop

Custom Talkover Tone

  • Added the ability to customize a community-wide talkover error SFX

Signal Bars

  • Added visual signal bars in-game to view your tower connectivity

SFX Volume

  • Added the ability to customize the sound effect volume in the settings menu

Auto-Join on Link

  • Users now automatically join the Sonoran Radio community after linking in-game

In-Game Enhanced Error Handling

  • Improved errors and ensured the resource fails to start without a proper community ID and API key

Mobile UI improvements

  • Added multiple improvements for mobile users, including a dedicated UI for the radio panel

Mobile PTT Button

  • Added a push to talk button to the mobile version (web, apps coming soon) to utilize the rado on mobile devices

2.3.0 (Alpha) - 7/11/2024

Repeaters - UI Menu

  • Added an in-game repeater menu to add, edit, and remove repeaters.

In-Game Volume

  • Added the ability to adjust the system-wide volume in-game via the settings menu.

In-Game Per-User Volume

  • Added the ability to right click on a user in-game to adjust their volume.

Panel - Customized Download

  • Added a new download link in the radio panel that includes a pre-configured community ID and API key.

In-game Radio - Logout

  • Added an option to logout and unlink your radio in-game via the settings menu.

Startup - Link IP

  • Added an automatic API call to link your server's IP address to your community ID. This will be used for an upcoming integration.

API Key - Rotate

  • Added the ability to rotate and refresh your API key if leaked.

Menu CMS Discovery

  • Added the CMS community discovery spotlight to the portal's community selection menu.

2.2.1 (Alpha) - 07/03/2024 (In-Game Only)

Tower Distance

  • Fixed an issue causing tower distortion levels to "freeze" in certain cases.

2.2.0 (Alpha) - 07/02/2024

In-Game Tower Signal

  • Added variable audio distortion based on how close a user in-game is to a radio repeater model.

User Display Names

  • Added the ability to customize user display names and two new permissions to set who can change their, and others', display name.

Link UI Refresh

  • Improved the /link portal UI with automatic focusing, forward/back navigation, and submission.

In-Game Towers

  • Added three radio repeater models for in-game signal strength.

In-Game Resize and Move

  • Added the ability to resize and move the radio UI.

Custom Animation Support

  • Added the ability to disable in-game animations while talking, for custom animation scripts.

Developer Exports - PTT

  • Added developer exports when a user activates and deactivates their PTT hotkey.

2.1.1 (Alpha) - 06/21/2024

Desktop Application - Hotkey Setting

  • Improved handling for detecting a wider array of hotkeys in the desktop application, including standard mouse buttons.

2.1.0 (Alpha) - 06/18/2024

Login Link

  • New login for in-game resource/mobile

Community ID

  • Use community IDs in URL instead of numeric IDs

Volume Control

  • Added per-user volume controls

Talkover Protection

  • Added toggleable talkover protection

Channel Change: Drag-and-drop

  • Move users by dragging and dropping

2.0.1 (Alpha) - 06/18/2024

Community ID

  • Accept community ID in place of standalone ID

#22925 - ESC Error

  • Fixed ESC with the radio open causing an error, preventing you from leaving the radio

2.0.0 (Alpha) - 06/06/2024

Initial Release

Last updated

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