Restrict user access to community approval, permissions, commands and features in-game with ACE permissions.
Command ACE Permissions
ACE permissions allow you to restrict what users have access to certain commands.
1. Create a Permission Group
Here, we'll create an admin ACE group that has access to all of the sonoranradio.example categorized permissions.
# ACE group name 'admin' for 'sonoranradio.example' permission category
add_principal group.admin sonoranradio.example
2. Assign Permissions to the Group
This adds all of the Sonoran Radio permissions (configuring repeaters, using the radio, and repairing repeaters) to the sonoranradio.example category that the admin ACE group has access to.
# Add permissions to the ace category "sonoranradio.example"
# Tower Configuration Menu
add_ace sonoranradio.example command.radiomenu allow
# Radio Access (Optional: If `acePermsForRadio` is `true` in config.lua)
# If using `acePermSync` in config.lua, this will also auto-approve the user in the community
add_ace sonoranradio.example sonoranradio.use allow
# Radio Display Name Command Access
add_ace sonoranradio.example sonoranradio.displayname allow
# ACE Permission Sync (Optional: If `acePermSync` is `true` in config.lua)
# See the "ACE Permission Sync" section below this documentation section for more info
# This example auto-approves the user in the radio community
add_ace sonoranradio.example sonoranradio.autoapprove allow
# Tower Repair (Optional: If `acePermsForTowerRepair` is `true` in config.lua)
add_ace sonoranradio.example allow
# Connected Users List (Optional: If `acePermsForRadioUsers` is `true` in config.lua)
add_ace sonoranradio.example sonoranradio.radiousers allow
# Radio Scanner Menu (Optional: If `chatter` is `true` in config.lua)
add_ace sonoranradio.example sonoranradio.scanner allow
# Radio Scanner Channel Access (Optional: If `chatter` is `true` in config.lua)
# Number is based off of the channel ID
add_ace sonoranradio.example
3. Add Users to the ACE Group
This grants a user the admin ACE permission group, specific to their in-game license ID.
ACE permission sync allows you to automatically approve users in the radio community, grant access to private channels, and give user permissions like name changes, kick, etc.
This sync is ran whenever you turn the radio on and connect.
ACE permission sync will override all existing user permissions.
Any manually granted permissions will be removed, ensuring the user has only the permissions configured through ACE.
# Grant the ADMIN radio permission to everyone in the admin group
add_ace group.admin sonoranradio.admin allow
# Grant the talkover-override permission to everyone in the admin group
add_ace group.admin sonoranradio.radiotalkover
# Auto-approve everyone in the leo group
add_ace group.leo sonoranradio.autoapprove allow
ACE Permission Tools
You can also use external services like Sonoran CMS to easily manage ACE permissions via ranks and Discord roles.