TeamSpeak Websocket API


The websocket is available to connect to @ ws://localhost:33802. FiveM blocks all connections to localhost and, so use ws://[::1]:33802 instead (the IPv6 counterpart). This is not a secure websocket connection.

type field

All events MUST include a type field that will indicate the type of event that is being passed. The other fields of the event will depend on type.

to_cid field

Unless otherwise specified, all client->ws events SHOULD accept an optional to_cid field. This field dictates to which connection (or tab) the event is being passed to. If this field is ommitted, then the event will be dispatched to all connections.


Includes all structures that will be frequently used across the client.


type frequency = [number, number] // both integers (NOT FLOATS!)


interface client_state {
  spec: number; // incremented on major version upgrade
  /// build type of the client
  /// 0 = DEBUG
  /// 1 = PRODUCTION
  /// since: 0.2.1
  interop: number;
  version: string;
  freq_recv: frequency;
  freq_xmit: frequency;
  freq_scan: frequency[];
  enable_scan: boolean;
  /// since: 0.1.2
  game?: client_gamestate;


Since: 0.1.2

interface client_gamestate {
  position: [number, number, number]; // integers
  /// since: 0.2.0
  radio_powered: boolean;
  /// since: 0.2.0
  tower_quality: number; // float (between 0-1)


interface server_config {
  id: number; // integer (unique to each server)
  pending: false;
  server_uid: string;
  /// 0 = free
  /// 1 = plus
  /// 2 = pro
  sublvl: number; // integer
  default_profile_id?: number; // integer (corresponds to profiles)
  patrol_channels: {
    id: number; // integer (unique to each channel + server)
    channel_uid: string;
    allow_talkover: boolean;
  profiles: {
    id: number; // integer (unique to each profile + server)
    freq_recv: frequency;
    freq_xmit?: frequency;
    repeats_xmit: boolean;
  disabled_vers: string[]; // array of disabled versions of plugin. can be ignored in most cases


There is one unique controller per authorized connection (tab). If the connection is not authorized to use Sonoran Radio, then the controller does not exist.

interface controller {
  cid: number; // integer, corresponds to the connection/tab
  server_uid: string;

  /// since 0.2.1
  nickname: string; // nickname of own client
  state: client_state; // state of own client
  config: server_config;
  in_patrol_channel: boolean;
  channel_clients: channel_client[];


interface channel_client {
  id: number; // integer, corresponds to the user id
  uid: string;
  name: string; // nickname of the client
  state?: client_state;

Client->WS Events

All events will be categorized by their type field, with an example of what each event will do. All events, except ones specifically stating otherwise, will accept to_cid.


If an exception (error) occurs while handling an event, it will dispatch a ws->client events that contains error information.

  "error": true, // always true in cases of errors.
  "type": string, // symbol name of exception (may be mangled, used for debugging)
  "msg": string, // the message that accompanied the exception


Will immediately produce the recv_controllers ws->client event

Minimum tier: Free

  "type": "get_controllers"


Will immediately produce the recv_controller_data ws->client. Recommended to be used with to_cid, otherwise just use get_controllers.

Minimum tier: Free

  "type": "get_controller_data"


Sets the XMIT & RECV frequencies of own client

Minimum tier: Plus

  "type": "set_frequencies",
  "freq_recv": frequency,
  "freq_xmit": frequency


Minimum tier: Pro

  "type": "set_frequencies_scanned",
  "freqs": frequency[] // duplicates will be removed


Minimum tier: Pro

  "type": "set_scanning_enabled",
  "enabled": boolean


Should be called often. If left untouched for >5m, will revert to null

Since: 0.1.2 Minimum tier: Free

  "type": "set_gamestate",
  "state": client_gamestate // where all fields of client_gamestate are optional

Prints a message to the chat (only local user can see). Supports TeamSpeak formatting (like BBCode)

Minimum tier: Plus

  "type": "print_chat_message",
  "message": string


Changes the channel of the current client

Minimum tier: Plus

  "type": "change_channel",
  "channel_uid": string

WS->Client Events

All events will be categorized by their type field, with an example of what each event will do.


Transmitted to the connection directly after get_controllers is fired.

  "type": "recv_controllers",
  "data": controller[]


Transmitted to the connection directly after get_controller_data is fired.

  "type": "recv_controller_data",
  "cid": number,
  "data": controller


A new connection controller has been established. This means there is a new connection (tab) to communicate to.

  "type": "controller_created",
  "data": controller


An exist connection controller has been destroyed. You are no longer able to communicate with it.

  "type": "controller_destroyed",
  "cid": number


The server configuration of a controller has been updated. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the fields of the config have changed, it has just received a new "version"

  "type": "config_changed",
  "cid": number,
  "data": server_config


The client frequencies have updated. This may have been the result of interaction in the plugin, or from an event from a websocket client.

  "type": "frequencies_updated",
  "cid": number,
  "freq_recv": frequency,
  "freq_xmit": frequency


  "type": "frequencies_scanned_updated",
  "cid": number,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "freqs": frequency[]


The user of the plugin has changed channels.

  "type": "local_channel_changed",
  "data": controller


There has been some update to the clients currently in the channel with the plugin user. Note that this will not broadcast if a channel client updates their state.

  "type": "channel_clients_changed",
  "cid": number,
  "data": channel_client[]


Broadcasted whenever a client in a patrol channel begins or ends a transmission. This will be broadcasted if any client speaks, even if this client cannot hear the other.

The xmit_type is the internal mic click identifier. *_talk_permit at the beginning of a transmission, and *_squelch is at the end of a transmission. The current values passed are (NOTE: may change in the future):

  • self_talk_permit

  • self_squelch

  • unit_talk_permit

  • unit_squelch

  "type": "client_xmit_change",
  "cid": number,
  "client": {
    "id": number,
    "nickname": string,
    "state": client_state,
    "self": boolean
  "can_hear": boolean, // indicator if we can hear the other client
  "xmit_type": string // see above

Last updated

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